To look at one of Nicole's paintings, you are transported, or rather, swallowed up into a dreamy, colourful paradise full of majestic palm trees, rolling waves, beautiful mermaids.
Read MoreThe Kitten Life Zine Volume I was written and designed in Vancouver during a night of pure creation.
Read MoreMegan Vicente and Elliott Ingles of Mountains & Monsters are two of the kindest, coolest and most outdoorsy human beings we’ve ever met.
Read MoreReginald Pean is a staple of the New York underground art scene with a devoted cult following. His instagram feed feels like a slow, orgasmic walk through the lusty side of vice, with Death and the Devil lighting the way.
Read MoreI have a semi-serious addiction these days, one that I’m a little ashamed to admit. I’m addicted to scratch cards. I simply cannot get enough of them. The anticipation as I scratch, scratch, scratch away at these colourful pieces of paper designed to instantly gratify or instantly disappoint is too much for me to resist.
Read MoreA little over a year ago Nico and I were in the middle of Europe, (the Canary Islands, if I recall correctly), and we were talking about our dreams. More specifically, we were talking about how long, difficult, often obscure and sometimes fruitless it feels to be pursuing a career in the Arts (with a capital A).
Read MoreI was momentarily paused during a bout of endless scrolling into the depths of my Facebook feed by an article from the stylish and outspoken Leandra Medine of Man Repeller. “To Bra or Not to Bra” was the headline, and in it Medine talks about how she lets the girls fly unencumbered and has done so for a number of years now, far before it started becoming a trend.
Read MoreLast week a friend asked me when was the last time I’d felt happy. I started a few sentences but as the breath left my mouth the sounds of unknown answers died on my tongue — “When I…” No, not then. “It was…”No, not then either.
Read MoreIn the book “A Tale for the Time Being” by Ruth Ozeki, she tells of a zen anecdote illustrating the concept of time. What it means to be a being in time, and at least for the present, here, on planet earth.
Read MoreWe have been living in the Montreal version of our kitten castle for almost three months now. The space - a beautiful, second floor, 2 bedroom apartment in Montreal's Plateau neighbourhood - is everything we could possibly hope for in a creative space.
Read MoreAt one point in my life I dedicated thousands of my hard-earned dollars towards subjecting myself to relatively painful sessions of waxing, shaving, laser, electrolysis, all on various parts of my body that I felt at the time needed to be perpetually smooth.
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