“Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.”
What a miracle it is to be alive!
Today’s musings on the condition of being alive: What does it mean to have a body? What does it mean to have confidence in one’s body?
We believe that body consciousness and body confidence are deeply, intrinsically connected.
If we were able to love and accept the body we were given on the level of the body, we can, and will, collectively raise consciousness.
We try to take care of our bodies because we recognize that we live in our bodies, and we want to live happy, healthy, mobile lifestyles for as long as we possibly can, in the hopes of reaching self-actualization and witnessing the world becoming a better place.
Why would anyone, let alone you, care about stretch marks? Baldness? Cellulite? Wrinkles?
When we raise our consciousness levels, whether personally or collectively, one of the first things that goes out the window is the utterly base focus on our external form, and the forms of those around us. We instead focus on the mind, the intellect, the goodness that we and others bring to the world.
Can you simply let the soft form of your body be your body?
Can you walk through the world seeking out energy, knowledge, connection with others, rather than focusing on physical perfection or defects of our form?
Some food for thought, kittens.