This month was the first that Nicole and I weren't able to pull cards for your monthly message together, instead separated by the bulk that is space between the East and West coasts of Canada.
I headed back to Vancouver at the end of August to spend some time with family and apply for my visa for Spain, and Nicole began filling her new studio apartment (facing Parc la Fontaine, no less) with beautiful new work. And from these new locations, we each pulled a card (from the same suit!) as your message from October.
(Want to read a post about how you can get more out of these monthly musings? Click here to check out our non-exhaustive guide to all things esoteric)
October is shaping up to be a sharp, forceful, forward-moving month.
The suit of Swords is emblematic of all things ethical, righteous, astute, and authoritative. A cerebral, truth-bound energy is going to colour the month, for better or for worse.
“A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.”
The Three of Swords is a difficult card to face because it brings with it heartbreak, betrayal, loneliness.
A pierced, but not bleeding heart, stands against a gloomy backdrop on this disheartening card. When we see cards like this, we must remember that we always have, and always will hold the power over our decisions and reactions. We may not have control over what happens to us or who breaks our heart, but we do have the power over how we react to even the most difficult things life throws at us.
Alternatively, we may feel like we're being pushed to the brink and have no choice but to do something drastic to try and cope with a person or situation. The backstabbing, heart-break, loneliness of this card can also be percolating in your own inner depths, rather than represent the actions of others. Stay alert and proceed with caution!
The King of Swords brings with it the responsibility of holding the course.
Rest assured that the King of Swords handles even the most trying situations with grace and strength.
Seeing a card that clearly tells us of the pain we often experience in life, let the King of Swords and his cerebral approach to life guide your over-emotional gut reaction to whatever it is that comes in to block your path this month.
Don't let your emotions over-power your reactions, and instead call upon the energy of the King of Swords to see clearly in the darkness, and bring justice to light! Respect and honour the fact that everyone has the right to act as they please, and that justice will be meted to the un-just.
Similarly, if you have started to feel the seed of deceit being planted in your mind, draw upon all that is good and just to change your path to one that doesn't involve tearing down others.
And whatever happens this month, kitties, we'll be right there with you, doing our best to help raise the collective consciousness.
Miau Miau! Champagne Kittens Around the World!
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